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Vase sugestije u vezi rada crkve i ove prezentacije su izuzetno vazne za nas dalji rad i planiranje. Your suggestions with respect to church's activities and this presentation are very important for our future work and planning.
Vase zelje i zahteve mozete poslati, emajlom, postom ili da nas licno kontaktirate licno ili telefonom.

Ako zelite da ostanete anonimni, mozete nam poslati pismo bez Vase adrese.

Your suggestions you might send by email, post or you may contact us personally or by phone.

If you wish to stay anonymous, please send as a letter without your address.

Evo primera kako da napisete sugestiju i nesto promenite u Vasoj crkvenoskolskoj opstini. Here are examples how write to a suggestion letter and change something in your parish.